How Big Is Your Nose?

The Wine Fellas love to stick their noses deep in a wine glass and inhale the heady fumes of gold dust or crushed cranberries or angel’s tears.

We’ve got three handsome Fellas to guide you on your journey into the world of Portuguese wines. Decide which Fella is the right one for you!

The Enthusiast

65€ – 6 bottles / month

40€ – 3 bottles / month

(inc. shipping)

You know you like wine but you’re getting a bit bored of the same old same old. You’re ready to explore, and The “Enthusiast” is the perfect Fella to disappear with down unmarked country lanes looking for new wines to play with.

I’m an Enthusiast…


…Sign me up!

The Connoisseur

85€ – 6 bottles / month

55€ – 3 bottles / month

(inc. shipping)

You know your Baga from your Trincadeira, your Bical from your Fernão Pires, and you want to go deeper. The “Connoisseur” will warm your nose and tickle your palette with a sophisticated mix of timeworn classics, hidden gems and daring upstarts.

I’m a  Connoisseur…

…Sign me up!

The Insider

120€ – 6 bottles / month

70€ – 3 bottles / month

(inc. shipping)

Your cellar is growing. You’ve got a wine decanter (or possibly three). And now you’re on the search for the rarer, finer Portuguese vintages. The Wine Fellas “Insider” knows where to find them and will guide you to Portuguese wine satori.

I’m an Insider…


…Sign me up!